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3 Children's Allergy Myths Debunked

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When it comes to allergies, there is a lot of misinformation out there. Because not everyone suffers from allergic responses to foods or foreign substances, people have a tendency to undermine the importance of seeking treatment for serious allergies. Unfortunately, when it comes to children who have allergies, a little bad information can be extraordinarily dangerous. Here is the truth behind three common children's allergy myths, so that you can keep your little ones safe.

1: "They will grow out of it."

Did you know that kids are 10 times more likely to develop food allergies than adults are? Fortunately, as kids grow, their bodies can learn to adapt to some allergens like milk and eggs. Unfortunately, kids can't outgrow every allergic response. If your child has an allergy to foods like nuts or fish, they might be stuck with that condition for the rest of their life.

If parents overlook a serious food allergy, they might not be adequately prepared if their child suffers serious allergic shock, or anaphylaxis. Unfortunately, if kids ingest foods that they are highly allergic to, anaphylaxis can kill them in as little as 30 minutes.

If you find out that your child has a food allergy, take it seriously. Work with a pediatric allergist from a site like to develop emergency treatment plans, and keep appropriate medicines with you at all times. Screen the ingredients in the foods that your child eats, and stay away from allergens at all costs. Work with your friends to dispel the "they will grow out of it" rumors, which might keep other kids from being exposed to allergens without prepared parents.

2: "They have been exposed before and it wasn't that big of a deal."

Sometimes when parents take care of children who have recently been exposed to allergens, they don't think that the problem is that severe. Because kids might only complain about a tingly mouth or a barely-noticeable rash, parents sometimes assume that the issue isn't that big of a deal.

What most people fail to understand, however, is that mild symptoms in the past don't always predict mild symptoms in the future. As kids are perpetually exposed to allergens time after time, their bodies can gear up for serious reactions later down the road. What might seem like a simple food allergy can turn into full-blown anaphylactic shock a few months later.

Another misconception that many people have involves the timeline during which reactions occur. Most people figure that if their kid were going to have a reaction, they would notice right away. Unfortunately, some reactions evolve over the course of several hours, which could mean that kids are far away from their prepared parents.

If your child suffers from a food allergy, remember that a reaction is a reaction. If kids complain about itchy skin, diarrhea, or a runny nose when they eat certain foods, it could mean vomiting, trouble breathing, or even death later. Work with your family doctor or allergist to isolate and treat allergens, before they cause serious problems down the road.  

3: "There isn't anything that you can do."

People are good at adapting to medical conditions, so sometimes folks figure that they don't need help resolving their problems. When it comes to children's allergies, people sometimes decide not to visit with a doctor because they mistakenly figure that he or she wouldn't be able to help much anyway.

Fortunately, adults and children alike don't have to battle their allergies on their own. Allergists can treat allergic reactions with breathalyzers, injectable pens, or daily medications that control symptoms. Your doctor might even be able to recommend changes to your daily habits or your environment that can help your kids to feel a lot better.

If you have children with allergies, make an appointment with a pediatric allergist today. Not only will your child's symptoms most likely improve, but you can learn what you need to do in the event of an untimely allergic reaction.  

Understanding the truth about children's allergies can help you to keep your kids and their friends a little safer. 
