There Are Healthy Solutions for Pain Today

Recognizing And Treating Coronary Heart Disease

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Heart disease is the most common cause of death in the United States; one in every four deaths each year is caused by the disease. The most common form of heart disease is coronary heart disease, which causes 380,000 deaths every year. By recognizing the symptoms and receiving treatment for coronary heart disease, you can greatly increase your chance of survival. What Is Coronary Heart Disease? You have probably heard of plaque buildup on your teeth, but plaque can also build up inside your arteries.…

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Anger And Fear: Overcoming The Emotional Side Effects Of Chronic Pain

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Unfortunately, dealing with pain on a daily basis probably means that you are also dealing with pain’s side effects. Dealing with physical pain is linked to a host of emotional stresses, like anger and fear, which can affect your quality of life. As part of your pain management regimen, you should also incorporate strategies to overcome these unpleasant adversaries.  Addressing Anger  The problem with pain response is that the body goes into survival mode.…

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2 Non-Invasive Techniques Your Podiatrist Might Use To Treat Your Ingrown Toenail

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Are you struggling with a painful ingrown toenail? Because most people figure that nail removal is their only treatment option, many folks decide to ignore their toe, which could lead to a serious infection or even a toe amputation. Fortunately, you can avoid gruesome toenail complications by making an appointment with a podiatrist at the first sign of trouble. Here are two non-surgical techniques that your foot doctor might use to treat your ingrown toenail.…

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