There Are Healthy Solutions for Pain Today

Chronic Pain Management And CBD: A Possible Answer To Reducing Use Of Narcotic Pain Relievers

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Cannabinoids (CBD) are an increasingly popular marijuana compound that rivals tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) for its medicinal benefits. Due to the lower psychoactive effects of CBD when compared to high-THC marijuana derivatives, CBD can be an important therapeutic agent for chronic pain and possibly reduce the prescribing of narcotics. DEA Changes And Chronic Pain In recent years, the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) has tightened regulations regarding the prescribing of controlled substances. Part of these changes included the rescheduling of various narcotics to limit the number of pills per month and limiting the number of refills for narcotics.…

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3 Questions to Ask Potential Candidates When Choosing a Primary Care Provider

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Choosing a primary care physician is a difficult decision, but one that is extremely important for your well-being going forward. Primary healthcare providers act as the first point of contact for all of your healthcare needs, so it’s important to take your time when choosing a doctor. To help you with this, below are three questions you should ask every potential healthcare provider to ensure you make the best choice possible:…

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Men With IBD: Should You Be Concerned About Male Osteoporosis?

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If you’re a male who has inflammatory bowel disease, you may have many concerns about maintaining your digestive health. But one of the things you may not consider or worry about is the health of your bones. Although inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) affects your digestive system, the condition can also lead to male osteoporosis. Male osteoporosis can damage the bone tissues in your spine, hips, jawbones, and other body areas over time, which places you at risk for bone fractures and infections.…

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