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3 Most Common Causes Of Elderly Vision Loss

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The American Foundation for the Blind estimates that 6.5 million Americans over the age of 65 have a visual impairment that severely affects their sight. The 3 most common visual impairments for senior citizens are macular degeneration, cataracts, and glaucoma. These impairments are often called the “silent stealers of sight” because they progress so gradually that people don’t notice their vision decreasing until it has become drastic. Keep reading to learn more about these conditions, so you will be able recognize the signs and symptoms and can take action before your vision loss becomes drastic:…

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Tips For Minimizing Damage From Oral Piercings

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While lip, tongue, and cheek piercings are a cool way to express your personal style, they can have a negative impact on your oral health. Because of the damage they can do to teeth and gums, oral piercings are generally not recommended by dentists. However, here are a few things you can do to minimize the harm caused by mouth piercings if you choose to get them. Follow Aftercare Instructions to the Letter…

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3-Step Home Remedy For Naturally Treating Your Eczema

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If you are undergoing treatment for eczema, you may still experience some itching and irritation caused by the skin condition. Although you may have prescription ointments and have made the recommended lifestyle changes, you may wonder if you can do anything else for relief. If so, use the following three-step home remedy using ingredients found in grocery stores and pharmacies. Step 1:  Soak In A Milk Bath Soaking in a short milk bath helps to soothe the itch and irritation caused by your eczema.…

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