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What To Know When You Have Psoriasis & Are Diagnosed With Skin Cancer

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If you have psoriasis and have recently been diagnosed with skin cancer, you may have some questions about whether or not the psoriasis treatments increased your risk of skin cancer and how to move forward with treatments for both conditions. Two Common Psoriasis Treatments You May Be Concerned About  There are several types of psoriasis treatment available. Most psoriasis patients run the gamut of treatments until they find something that works for them.…

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Two Mistakes To Avoid After Knee Replacement Surgery

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Knee replacement surgery is a major operation that involves replacing your natural knee with an artificial one made out of plastic and metal. In most cases, a cemented device will be provided to you that is attached with the assistance of surgical cement. Thankfully, knee replacement surgeries have a 10 year success rate that is over 90%. This means that your new knee is very likely to last you at least 10 years with very few complications.…

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6 Ways To Modify Your Bathroom For Seniors

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When an aging parent or other family member moves into your home, you are probably happy to be able to spend more time with them but also concerned about what changes you need to make. One thing to focus on is the bathroom they will be using, since it may need to be modified in order to accommodate any mobility or health issues they are experiencing. According to experts, 80% of home falls involving seniors take place in the bathroom.…

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