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What You Need To Know About Your Child's Ear Infection

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By age three, 80-90% of children will have suffered from an ear infection at least one time in their life. Ear infections are incredibly common in children due to the fact that their eustachian tubes (the tubes that connects the middle ear to the back of the nose) are shorter and and more narrow than adults. This leads to the tubes becoming infected more easily. You should know the signs of an ear infection, especially in children who cannot yet talk, as well as the steps to take once you know your child has an ear infection.…

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What Do Off-Levels In Complete Blood Count Tests Mean?

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If you have not been feeling right lately, your doctor might suggest running a complete blood count (CBC) test. This is a standard type of test that requires drawing blood and testing it. When the doctor receives the results, he or she will discuss them with you. This standard test can reveal if your levels are good, but it can also reveal when levels are off. Here are three main things your doctor will look at with the results of your CBC, and some reasons your levels might be off.…

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How To Make Your Relationship Stronger Than Ever After An Affair

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Dealing with the aftermath of an affair is typically a stressful and confusing process, and if you decide to try and work things out it may even seem like your relationship will never be “normal” again. While the chance is high that the dynamics of your relationship have been changed for good, this doesn’t mean that the changes have to be negative. In fact, it’s possible to make your relationship stronger than ever after an affair—here are a few effective techniques you can use to make it happen:…

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