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Postpartum Psychosis: What Pregnant Women Need To Know

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Pregnancy often affects a woman’s physical health, but it’s also important not to overlook the psychological side effects of having a baby. Many women go through pregnancy without any mental health problems, but some new moms suffer with psychological issues that can cause serious problems for mother and baby, including a rare condition called postpartum psychosis. If you’re expecting a baby, learn more about this serious mental health condition, and how this may affect you after your baby is born.…

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Six Ways To Make Home Care For Alzheimer's A More Positive Experience

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As the primary caregiver of someone with Alzheimer’s, you’ve got a lot of responsibility and so many choices to make. Once you’ve decided on a home care agency for your loved one, working closely with them will benefit everyone involved. Here are six ways to accomplish that goal.  Be An Active Member Of The Team Alzheimer’s care involves many professionals, particularly as the disease advances. Psychiatrists, for example, play a very important role in helping people keep connections to the world around them and make difficult decisions.…

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Saying Goodbye With Dignity: How To Connect With Someone Who Is Dying

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Much of life is preparing yourself for the inevitable. However, there is one experience that many individuals must face with strength and dignity, but unfortunately, are not equipped to handle: caring for a dying loved one. If you’re in the midst of caring for a friend or family member at the end of their life, here are a few tips and suggestions you can utilize to help them make a more peaceful transition:…

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