As a parent of a teenager, it is natural for you to feel apprehensive about potential peer pressure and substance abuse issues. While you can never completely control what your teens do when they are away from home and with their friends, there are many things you can do to help keep them away from drugs and alcohol. To this end, here are some time-tested tips for preventing teenage substance abuse: …
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Tolerating neck pain can be easier when you are at home when you are able to apply your pain medication and lay in a comfortable position. There are times when you may get major neck pain but you are not able to have the comforts of home. Driving is one of those times where you may be limited in just what you can do to alleviate neck pain once you are on the road.…
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Runners love the exercise and workout they get from their daily runs, but there is a chance they could suffer from serious knee injuries. One of the worst of these is a torn knee ligament. To deal with this injury, many runners are turning to prolotherapy.
Running Can Cause Knee Ligament Injuries
Long-term knee injuries are a somewhat controversial subject for runners. For years, it has been assumed that running seriously injures the knees.…
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